1,243 research outputs found

    Specificities of hand trauma in agriculture

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    Background/Aim. Hand injuries in agriculture are characterized by massive destruction of all tissues, frequent amputations of finger, hand and often the whole extremity. These injuries are mutilant and can cause death. The aim of this paper was to show the specificities of hand injuries in agriculture in regard to hand injuries of other etiology. Methods. We analyzed patients that were treated in the Department for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Clinical Center Vojvodina, during a five-year period (2003-2007) because of hand injuries. Results. In a five-year period there were 366 patients hospitalized because of hand injuries, out of whom 36 injuries were related to agricultural machinery use. In both groups the number of patients trended to increased, with male gender being dominant. Most of the patients were young or middle-aged men. In agricultural injuries most of the patients were in the group of 41-50-year old (30%), while in the other group, the patients were younger (21-30-year old). Hand injuries in agriculture resulted in finger amputation in 92%, while in the other group that number was much smaller (13%). Skin defect reconstruction in agricultural injuries required complex methods of skin grafting or skin flaps in more than 71%, while this was necessary in only 10% of other hand injuries. Conclusion. Hand injuries in agriculture are very mutilant and often result in conquassation and finger amputation. A possibility to preserve tissue damaged in this way is very limited, and skin closer usually requires complex methods


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    In this paper, we propose several solutions for approximating the Q-function using one exponential function or the sum of two exponential functions. As the novel Q-function approximations have simple analytical forms and are therefore very suitable for further derivation of expressions in closed forms, a large number of applications are feasible. The application of the novel exponential type approximations of the Q-function is especially important for overcoming issues arising in designing scalar companding quantizers for the Gaussian source, which are caused by the non-existence of a closed form expression for the Q-function. Since our approximations of the Q-function have simple analytical forms and are more accurate than the approximations of the Q-function previously used for the observed problem in the scalar companding quantization of the Gaussian source, their application, especially for this problem is of great importance

    Conservation and directed utilization of forest genetic resources

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    Forest genetic resources represent the genetic diversity contained in the thousands of species of forest trees on the earth. their conservation is a set of activities and strategies, which are performed in the aim of ensuring the continued existence, evolution and availability of these resources for the present and future generations. the aim of genetic resource management is the enhancement of conditions for the continual evolution of the species which is the defensive mechanism of the organisms in the struggle with environmental changes

    An approach to analysis of dynamic crack growth at bimaterial interface

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    In this paper is presented the new approach to asymptotic analysis of the stress and strain fields around a crack tip that is propagating dynamically along a bimaterial interface. Through asymptotic analysis the problem is being reduced to solving the Riemann-Hilbert's problem, what yields the strain potential that is used for determination of the strain field around a crack tip. The considered field is that of a dynamically propagating crack with a speed that is between zero and shear wave speed of the less stiffer of the two materials, bound along the interface. Using the new approach in asymptotic analysis of the strain field around a tip of a dynamically propagating crack and possibilities offered by the Mathematica programming package, the results are obtained that are compared to both experimental and numerical results on the dynamic interfacial fracture known from the literature. This comparison showed that it is necessary to apply the complete expression obtained by asymptotic analysis of optical data and not only its first term as it was done in previous analyses

    Rijaliti kultura kao preovlađujući kulturni format u Srbiji

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    The contemporary media culture in Serbia has been marked by two trends - democratization and transformation of the media. These parallel processes on the eve of the 21st century led to the decrease in informative contents and the increase in the entertainment ones. Therefore, reality shows take primacy in Serbia, no longer being an exclusive feature of the television. This paper is aimed at researching and describing the ways in which informative contents in the Serbian media have been replaced by television reality contents, as well as the ways in which the printed media and internet portals inform about them. By the qualitative method of content analysis, this paper realizes its goal to fathom the mechanisms of the transposition of the informative content into the entertainment one, thus deconstructing journalistic practices. The results will indicate that the domestic portals relate to realities in two ways - the first and less common modality is ignoring, while the second implies uncritical acceptance of this type of content, which creates fertile soil for the development and maintenance of the so-called reality culture.Savremenu medijsku kulturu u Srbiji obeležila su dva trenda - demokratizacija i transformacija medija. Ovi paralelni procesi na pragu 21. veka vodili su smanjenju informativnih, a povećanju zabavnih sadržaja. Tako u Srbiji primat dobijaju rijaliti programi, koji prestaju da budu odličje isključivo televizije. Cilj rada je da istraži i opiÅ”e na koje načine informativne sadržaje u srpskim medijima zamenjuju televizijski rijaliti sadržaji, kao i načine na koje o njima izveÅ”tavaju kako Å”tampani mediji, tako i internet portali. Kvalitativnom metodom analize sadržaja ostvaruje se intencija rada da se pronikne u mehanizme transponovanja informativnog sadržaja u zabavni i dekonstruiÅ”u žurnalističke prakse. Rezultati će ukazati da se domaći portali dvojako odnose prema rijalitijima - prvi i ređi modalitet je ignorisanje, dok drugi podrazumeva nekritičko preuzimanje ove vrste sadržaja, čime se stvara pogodno tlo za razvoj i održanje takozvane rijaliti kulture

    Milena Pavlović Barilli's pictorial poetics and Viminacium landscape

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    Asocijativni i inspirativni predeo kao kategorije kulturnih predela u oblasti zaÅ”tite kulturnog nasleđa omogućavaju da se za određen istorijski predeo vežu tragovi različitih vrsta umetnosti na čiji nastanak je predeo uticao, a koji nisu nužno hronoloÅ”ki uslovljeni. U ovom radu je prikazana interakcija predela i umetnosti/umetnika, na primeru arheoloÅ”kog nalaziÅ”ta Viminacijum nadomak Požarevca i svetski priznate slikarke Milene Pavlović Barili rođene u ovom gradu. U pismima koja je slala majci Danici, Milena je uvek sa najvećom ljubavi pisala o rodnom kraju i sa toplom emocijom se sećala detinjstva provedenog u njemu, Å”to se zaključuje i na osnovu zapisanih majčinih sećanja. Period Mileninog likovnog stvaralaÅ”tva između 1932. i 1936. godine, Miodrag B. Protić nazvao je "linearnim", odnosno "parisko-rimskim" periodom, dok ga Jelica Milojković naslovljava kao "linearno-antički" period. Period je tematski najviÅ”e određen antičkim nasleđem, a tokom njega Milenina piktoralna poetika referira na antičku proÅ”lost upotrebom motiva arhitektonskih elemenata, kao i skulptura ili ljudskih figura u formi skulptura, te kompozicijskim reÅ”enjima koja za potku imaju mitoloÅ”ke obrasce. Obrazovanje koje je sticala u evropskim metropolama, posete velikim muzejima, kao i poznavanje savremenih umetničkih tokova metafizičkog realizma i nadrealizma, zasigurno su doprineli ovakvoj Mileninoj poetici. Ipak, tragom Mileninog pisma majci Danici iz 1943. godine i Protićevog zapažanja da je u detinjstvu mogla videti ostatke antičke arhitekture i umetnosti na području Požarevca bogatom arheoloÅ”kim nalaziÅ”tima, autorke ovog rada iznose mogućnost da je upravo Viminacijum mesto u čijem je materijalnom, ali i nematerijalnom nasleđu Milena naÅ”la motive i inspiraciju za dela nastala u periodu između 1932. i 1936. godine. Ovakav vid asocijativne veze u saglasnosti je sa konceptom nadrealizma koji je u ovom radu iskoriŔćen kao metod za povezivanje predela Viminacijuma i piktoralne poetike Milene Pavlović Barili. Shodno tome, određeni motivi Mileninih slika dobili su drugačiju interpretaciju koja na podsvesnom nivou sugeriÅ”e da ono Å”to je umetnica videla u detinjstvu i mladosti kasnije u njenom slikarstvu izranja kao deo imaginarnog narativa.Since the effects of a landscape go further than geography and beyond the time line, this paper questions the possibility that the Viminacium landscape, the archaeological area near the Danube in Serbia, inspired the art of the internationally recognised painter and poet Milena Pavlović Barilli. One can try to trace the relationship between Viminacium and Milena's art primarily in the motifs that are associated with Antiquity. Architectural elements, statues or human figures that resemble statues, as well as compositions that refer to the mythological patterns are an indicative part of Milena's pictorial poetics. The greatest influence of ancient material and immaterial heritage on Milena's art is visible in paintings and drawings from the 1930s

    Heritage we pretend not to see: An old mining community in the village of Kostolac, Serbia

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    Iako je Viminacijum već godinama međunarodno poznato i priznato arheoloÅ”ko nalaziÅ”te koje se nalazi na teritoriji sela Kostolac (Stari Kostolac), ali i turistički potencijal regiona Grada Požarevca i čitave Srbije, osveŔćivanje o celokupnom kulturnom nasleđu ovog sela na nivou lokalne zajednice i Å”ire javnosti deluje kao neizvestan i težak proces. Predeo sela Kostolac u severoistočnoj Srbiji i zaleđu Dunava važan je sa aspekta arheoloÅ”kog nasleđa, ali i industrijskog nasleđa iz prethodna dva veka, koje je sačuvano kroz različite materijalne ostatke i nematerijalno nasleđe vezano za viÅ”evekovnu rudarsku aktivnost u ovom kraju. Ove godine obeležava se 150 godina od otvaranja podzemnog rudnika i početka eksploatacije uglja u selu Kostolac, Å”to je u isto vreme i jubilej industrijalizacije moderne Srbije 1870. godine. Nažalost, suprotno važnosti ovog jubileja, građevine rudarske kolonije čiji su nekadaÅ”nji stanovnici bili učesnici i svedoci modernizacije i razvoja tadaÅ”nje države, potpuno su ruinirane i polako nestaju pred očima meÅ”tana i stručne javnosti, nakon zatvaranja podzemnog rudnika 1966. godine. Kasniji ubrzani razvoj savremenog povrÅ”inskog kopa uglja "Drmno" i otvaranje termoelektrane "Kostolac B", pažnju privrede, pa tako i Å”ire javnosti vezanu za eksploataciju uglja u ovom predelu, usmerio je u drugom pravcu, potpuno zanemarujući vrednost rudarskog nasleđa iz 19. veka u selu Kostolac, pa se prostor rudarske kolonije zaobilazi i u saobraćaju i dnevnoj komunikaciji. Takođe, mnogi duhovni elementi života stanovnika sela oblikovani su pod uticajem aktivnosti rudnika, a do danas nisu Å”ire prepoznati kao vrednosti, iako predstavljaju veoma značajno nematerijalno nasleđe celog regiona. Ostaci stare rudarske kolonije u selu Kostolac predstavljaju vredno industrijsko nasleđe ne samo prostora Kostolca i Grada Požarevca, već i celokupne Srbije, jer prikazuju vezu materijalnog i nematerijalnog nasleđa: ostataka graditeljstva, eksploatacije prirodnih resursa sa rudarenjem, interkulturalnih dijaloga doseljenika rudara i njihovih porodica sa starosedeocima, verovanja i običaja, legendi i mitova. Autorke su ovim tekstom želele da ukažu i ponovo skrenu pažnju naučne i stručne javnosti, zvaničnika i institucija, na važnost rudarskog nasleđa ovog kraja, potrebu njegove zaÅ”tite i potencijal buduće prezentacije prostora rudarske kolonije sela Kostolac, u cilju socio-ekonomskog i kulturnog razvoja lokalne zajednice, dok ne bude kasno da se bilo Å”ta učini.In addition to Viminacium, an internationally recognized Roman archaeological site and park, there are many other elements of cultural heritage in the Kostolac village situated in northeastern Serbia near the Danube, which are almost unknown for most of the people in Serbia and beyond. This year, 2020, marks the 150th-anniversary of the opening of coal exploitation in the Kostolac village, and the official beginning of the industrialization of Serbia, determined by this event in 1870. Unfortunately, the remains of the buildings in the mining community which witnessed an important part of the modern development of the country are in a state of ruin and have been slowly disappearing after the closing of the underground coal exploitation in 1966, following the rapid development of modern strip mining and electric generation. Also, many spiritual elements in the life of Kostolac people connected to the mining are not widely recognized as values, although they represent the precious intangible heritage of this village and the whole region

    Silicon and Iron Differently Alleviate Copper Toxicity in Cucumber Leaves

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    Copper (Cu) toxicity in plants may lead to iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) deficiencies. Here, we investigated the effect of Si and Fe supply on the concentrations of micronutrients and metal-chelating amino acids nicotianamine (NA) and histidine (His) in leaves of cucumber plants exposed to Cu in excess. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) was treated with 10 mu M Cu, and additional 100 mu M Fe or/and 1.5 mM Si for five days. High Cu and decreased Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations were found in Cu treatment. Additional Fe supply had a more pronounced effect in decreasing Cu accumulation and improving the molar ratio between micronutrients as compared to the Si supply. However, the simultaneous supply of Fe and Si was the most effective treatment in alleviation of Cu-induced deficiency of Fe, Zn and Mn. Additional Fe supply increased the His but not NA concentration, while Si supply significantly increased both NA and His whereby the NA:Cu and His:Cu molar ratios exceeded the control values indicating that Si recruits Cu-chelation to achieve Cu tolerance. In conclusion, Si-mediated alleviation of Cu toxicity was directed toward Cu tolerance while Fe-alleviative effect was due to a dramatic decrease in Cu accumulation
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